2.7K PinShareTweetShare0 Shares Are you thinking about leaving your permanent job to pursue travel nursing? It may seem like all you see now are travel nurses instead of staff, so what makes it so great? If you have people telling you, “Don’t do it, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side!” or any other commentary they might spew at you, listen to your gut instincts and do what is best for you. This is an extensive topic, but here are 5 truths about travel nursing in 2022. 1. Money I am going to be completely honest, travel nursing is great money. However, you have to know and understand the system and how it works to get the most out of it. Right now, the travel nursing industry is very saturated. This is due to the aftermath of covid and healthcare professionals jumping ship left and right to get the best pay packages. This phase of inflated rates is not permanent. Let me say that again, these rates are dropping daily because the more society gets back to normal, so do pay rates. If you are leaving your job to make more money, you absolutely will, but it might not be at the rate you are seeing or have been seeing. No matter what you make travel nursing, just rememeber what you brought home as a staff nurse. Oh, and you also get paid weekly 😉 2. Insurance The second truth about travel nursing in 2022 is insurance options and plans. Please do research on this before leaving your staff job. If you have an awesome, supportive partner that can supplement the insurance and has no problem with you forfeiting yours, then you are very fortunate and don’t have anything to worry about. If you are single, there are options, but they are limited. Your travel company will offer you insurance sometimes on day one of the assignment. Other times they may offer you coverage after a significant period of time like thirty or sixty days. This option is great if you plan on using one company and do not plan to take any time off between jobs. Ask your recruiters these questions, especially if you are working with different companies. Also, some companies will not cover you if you are taking time off between contracts! Do your research before committing! 3. Daily workload Congratulations, you have accepted your first assignment! You’ve made it through one to three days of orientation and now are on your own! If you work on the floor, it is not uncommon to get the worst patient assignments. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it is a well-known fact that staff nurses treat travelers differently because they know you’re making more money than they are. Just remember you are there to work, collect that check, and live your best life. The right people will always enter your life with good intentions so don’t let the negative nancys get you down. Also, nurse-patient ratios are different in every state. I don’t have much experience with this because I work/travel nurse in the operating room. Speaking of OR, you will also get the worst assignments there, too. I do know that California’s ratios on the floor are better than most states and currently Arizona has one of the worst. 4. Taxes The best advice on this topic I can give you is to get a good CPA that knows what they are doing. They are professionals and are worth every dime you spend for their expertise. Save yourself time and money! Yes you will save money, by ditching the do-it-yourself “free” tax services and spending a couple of hundred dollars for someone who will do it correctly. The IRS is no joke y’all. If your taxes look fishy, you will get audited and potentially owe thousands and thousands of dollars of your hard-earned money. When first completing the required documentation for your new job before you start, your recruiter will give you a tax form to fill out. It will be in your best interest (if applicable to your lifestyle and family situation) to select the option where the most money will be taken out each week of your paycheck, so you don’t have to pay anything back during tax season. 5. Your Comfort Zone The last and best truth of travel nursing in 2022 is letting yourself become uncomfortable. Traveling is such a privilege and making fantastic money while doing it?? It is literally a dream! I can’t tell you how many times I have been somewhere mind-blowingly awesome and travel nurses and staff alike don’t go anywhere. If nature, going out to experience things in the city, eating at restaurants, or meeting people isn’t your style, I totally get it. I am a 100% introvert and have to find the right people to be with for me to have a good time. But, I very much enjoy going out and doing things by myself. Do yourself a favor, put down the remote, put down your phone, do something you have never done before and get out of your comfort zone. You are free to do and see anything you want! Make the most of this precious time in your life so you can find a new hobby, a new passion, and literally write home about it. Life is so short, that now is the time to make the most of it! Do some self evaluation Travel nursing and the information that comes with it is such a vast topic and these subjects barely scratch the surface. Jumping into this profession from the norm, the daily grind, and the cycle of doing things every day is kind of scary. There are definitely pros and cons to travel nursing so weigh your options carefully before making a final decision. Always remember though, that you’re a nurse, there are so many job opportunities for you waiting out there. If you hate your staff job, want to try traveling, and realize it isn’t for you, there are endless options that don’t require bedside care. If you do try traveling and fall in love with it like me and so many others have, it becomes so fulfilling and rewarding for many reasons. And personally, travel nursing was the best career decision I’ve ever made for myself. Even if you’re on the fence, it’s worth it. I promise! The grass just might be greener on the other side. I hope you enjoyed reading these 5 truths about travel nursing in 2022! 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